Where to report issues
The drains at the sides of the roads are the County Council’s responsibility to maintain. Although the drains are periodically cleaned, they can still become blocked or covered with leaves and cause flooding on the road. Link to West Sussex County Council.
House Name Change
Change your house name, There is a charge of £55.00 (no VAT) for adding a name to your property.
Overflowing Dog & Litter bins
If litter or dog bins are not being emptied contact Arun DC – Rubbish & Recycling – Clean Streets
Moving into the area – register for Council Tax
Let us know as soon as you are able
Drug Litter
Arun District Council – report finding of drug litter including needles and other paraphernalia. You can also call 01903 737754.
Noise Nuisance
Arun District Council – report nuisance such as loud music, barking dogs, shouting, banging, alarms, DIY activity.
If you want to urgently report about noise happening after 5:15pm, call our out of hours service: 01903 737500
Anti social behaviour and repeated nuisance activity
Arun District Council:
- asb@arun.gov.uk
- Tel: 0808 141 2800 (24hr answerphone)
Arun District Council – report concerns about licence premises or people
Community Safety
Arun District Council – reports of widespread community based nuisance will be recorded and shared with partners