Listed Buildings
Below is a list of all the listed buildings in Bersted, and here is a map of their locations:
- Spinney Cottage
Spinney Cottage (Shripney Lane) Shripney Lane Bersted (DOE ref: 14/480) Cottage to the North West and in the ground of Rambler Cottage C18. Two storeys. Two windows. Faced with ironstone rubble and flints with red brick dressings and quoins. Hipped thatched roof. Casement windows. LB2
- Rambler Cottage
Rambler Cottage (Shripney Lane) Shripney Lane Bersted (DOE ref: 14/479 Rambler Cottage Once two cottages, now one house. Dated 1699. Two storeys. Three windows. Faced with squared knapped flints with red brick dressings, quoins and stringcourse. Hipped thatched roof. Casement windows. Doorway with brick pediment containing the date 1699 and the initials “T.G.” in the tympanum. (Formerly listed as Rambler Cottage and Shripney Cottage) LB2
- The Pottery
The Pottery (formerly The Studio) Shripney Lane Shripney Lane Bersted (DOE ref: 14/482) Studio Barn Originally a barn, converted into a studio house. C18. One storey. Flints. Hipped thatched roof. The central wagon entrance has been converted into a large studio window. LB2
- Shripney House
Shripney House (Shripney Lane) Shripney Lane Bersted (DOE ref: 14/481) Shripney House C18 or earlier. Two storeys. Five windows. The main part of the house has been refaced with rough plaster, now colour-washed khaki. The east end is a C19 addition in red brick with a gabled bay. Tiled roof. Modern casement windows. LB2
- Shripney Manor
Shripney Manor (Shripney Lane) Shripney Lane Bersted (DOE ref: 14/478) Shripney Manor (formerly listed as Shripney Manor House) Late C17 or early C18. Two storeys. Six windows. Front plastered, sides faced with flints and red brick. Tiled roof. Sash windows with glazing bars. Doorway with pediment- shaped hood. The west front has a shaped Dutch gable with pediment over. LB2
- 80 North Bersted Street
The Priory Bersted Street (DOE ref: 24/472) Also known as The Priory and The Elms One building. L-shaped C18 building. Two storeys. Three windows facing east, four windows facing north. East front faced with roughcast, north front flints, one painted. Tiled roof. Some glazing bars intact. The Elms has a doorway in reeded architrave surround. LB2
- 78 North Bersted
78 North Bersted Street North Bersted (DOE ref: 24/472) Also known as The Priory and The Elms One building. L-shaped C18 building. Two storeys. Three windows facing east, four windows facing north. East front faced with roughcast, north front flints, once painted. Tiled roof. Some glazing bars intact. The Elms has a doorway in reeded architrave surround. LB2
- 74/76 North Bersted Street (Dove Cottage)
74/76 North Bersted Street (Dove Cottage) North Bersted (DOE ref 24/471) 74/76 North Bersted Street Early C19. Two storeys. Two windows. Faced with flints with red brick dressings and quoins. Hipped thatched roof with pentice to north east. Casement windows. LB2
- Rookery Farmhouse
North Bersted Street Bersted (DOE ref:24/470) Rookery Farmhouse C17. Two storeys and attic. Four windows. Three hipped dormers. Faced with ironstone rubble with red brick dressings and quoins. Tiled roof. Casement windows, those on ground floor enlarged and with brick dripstones over. Modern brick porch. LB2
- 107 North Bersted Street
North Bersted (DOE ref: 24/476) also known as Philpotts Cottages One building. C18 or earlier. Two storeys. Four windows. Faced with flints and stone rubble with brick dressings and quoins, all once painted. Hipped thatched roof. Casement windows, some with brick hoodmoulds. Round-headed brick doorway with hoodmould. Cross-shaped iron ties. LB2
- 109 North Bersted Street
North Bersted (DOE ref: 24/476) also known as Philotts Cottages One building. C18 or earlier. Two storeys. Four windows. Faced with flints and stone rubble with brick dressing and quoins, all once painted. Hipped thatched roof. Casement windows, some with brick hoodmould. Cross-shaped iron ties. LB2
- The Chase
(DOE ref: 24/475) also known as The Chase Formerly two houses, of which the south west one was called Orchan. Now one house. C18. Two storeys. Four windows. Stuccoed. Hipped thatched roof. Glazing bars missing. LB2
- Green Farm
95 North Bersted Street North Bersted (DOE ref: 24/473) also known as Green Farmhouse C18 or earlier. Two storeys. Three windows. Probably faced with flints originally, now stuccoed. Hipped thatched roof with two “eyebrows” and the central portion swept down to form a roof over the porch. Four sash windows with vertical glazing bars only. Other windows casements. LB2
- Homing Cottage
62 North Bersted Street Bersted DOE ref: 24/467 Homing Cottage C15 timber-framed cottage of very unusual character. The whole front is close-studded, the studs being very heavy and curved outwards at the top end so that the whole upper part of the front appears coved. Plaster infilling. Thatched roof, hipped at north end, with two “eyebrows”. Casement windows on first floor. Sash windows without glazing bars on ground floor. Two storeys. Two windows. LBS
- 64 North Bersted Street
North Bersted (DOE ref: 24/468) also known as Appletree Cottage C18 or earlier. One storey and attic. Three windows. Faced with flints with brick dressings and quoins, all now painted. Thatched roof with two “eyebrows”. Casement windows. Porch with brick pillars and thatched roof. LB2
- The Manor House
50 North Bersted Street Bersted (DOE ref: 14/466) also known as 50 North Bersted Street Early C19. Two storeys. Three windows. Stuccoed. Hipped slate roof Glazing bars intact. Iron verandah on ground floor with tent-shaped canopy. Doorway with rectangular fanlight and door of six fielded panels. LB2
- 336 Chichester Road (Royal Oak Public House)
Chichester Road, Bersted SU 9200 9/103. Grade II Royal Oak Public House including wall encircling yard at rear Chichester Road An irregular brick building, probably of C18, with later extensions. 2 storeys under steep hipped roof with old tiles. left section of street frontage: 2 casement windows, with door between lower ones, which have cambered heads. Central ridge chimney. Right section, one window (blind above) and doorway. East side: camber-headed window above, with old metal-framed casement; 2 windows below (right-hand sash with glazing bars) flanking doorway. Wall of brick, random rubble and cobble encircling yard and outbuildings at rear. LB2
- 375 Chichester Road
North Bersted Bognor Regis (DOE ref: 9/106) 375 Chichester Road Early C19. 2 storeys. Cobbles with brick reinforcement and modillion eaves cornice. 2 windows to each house, with outer ones, over the doors, blind. All openings camber-headed the windows sashes with glazing bars. 2-span slate roof. Sides and rear rendered. Doe ref: 9/106A Garden wall to North West of 375 Garden wall with No 377 at rear of cobble and brick, probably contemporary with house. LB2
- 373 Chichester Road
North Bersted Bognor Regis (DOE ref: 9/106) 373 Chichester Road Early C19. 2 storeys. Cobbles with brick reinforcement and modillion eaves cornice. 2 windows to each house, the outer ones, over the doors, blind. All openings camber-headed the windows sashes with glazing bars. 2-span slate roof. Sides and rear rendered. LB2